Hepatitis B the threat of cirrhosis, liver cancer
Center : Gastrointestinal and Liver Center

Hepatitis B the silent threat that may cause liver cancer
Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B) is a silent threat. It disguisesitself and is one of the leading causes of cirrhosis and liver cancer. If ignored, you may regret it later. Because once you are infected, it will be difficult to cure, and with the absence of symptoms or it may look calm or inflammation is not very likely to cause obvious symptoms. It makes many people overlook and forget abouta vaccine for hepatitis that can help prevent effectively
Come to know chronic hepatitis from "Hepatitis B"
In general, there are five types of hepatitis: A,B,C, D and E, but the major public health problem in Thailand is hepatitis B. It is estimated that there are approximately 2.2 - 3 million people in Thailand infected with chronic hepatitis B virus, which is quite a number. Part of those infected with hepatitis B have chronic liver inflammation and may develop cirrhosis and liver cancer in the end, in which people with chronic hepatitis B virus often show no symptoms. A blood test is needed to confirm the infection and look for liver inflammation. Many people are known to be accidentally infected through an annual physical exam or blood donation
Leading causes of hepatitis B infection
• Infection from mother to child is caused by infection at birth, getting in contact with the mother's blood while giving birth• caught from having unprotected sex with an infected person
• sharing syringes
• Share personal equipment with others, such as razors or other items
• Through undetected hepatitis B from blood transfusions
• Through traditional treatments that may involve blood, such as acupuncture
• Improper use of unsterilized tattoo equipment
How do you know if you are infected or not?
Patients with chronic hepatitis B infection. With or without hepatitis, most often there are no symptoms. But an early diagnosis of hepatitis B can be made by observing symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, Yellow discoloration of the body, yellow eyes, nausea, and vomiting. If a patient finds himself at risk or is found to have hepatitis B symptoms see a gastrointestinal and liver disease specialist. The doctor will do a physical exam and evaluate symptoms, a blood test, an ultrasound of the liver, and a liver fibrosis test (Fibroscan)
Who should be tested for hepatitis B?
1. People with a family history of hepatitis B, hepatitis B, liver cancer, or yellow eye condition2. People who are already infected
3. Blood groupswhich came from the service before 1992, because the Thai Red Cross has organized a blood test scheme for hepatitis virus from 1992 onwards
4. People with piercings that may have blood contamination are also considered a risk group
5. People who use drugs
6. A group of people in prison
7. Pregnant women
8. Couple infected before marriage
How harmful is hepatitis B on the liver?
Hepatitis B can be classified into two types: acute (recovered within 6 months) and chronic (lasting more than 6 months). Acute viral hepatitis After 2 to 3 months of being infected, there will be body aches, loss of appetite, fatigue, low-grade fever, nausea and vomiting, and easily get tired. After about 1 week, there will be symptoms of hepatitis, jaundice, yellow eyes, if tested a higher than normal liver function testresult, these symptoms will improve within 2-3 weeks, after which the body will build up immunity and most of the patients will not have hepatitis B again. Chronic viral hepatitis is often seen inpatients infected with chronic hepatitis B. Contracted from infancy or childhood from the mother in the postpartum period. This alsoincludes being infected by the surrounding people and the environment at an early age. When the infected child grows the viral count decreases as the body's immune system improves. The body is fighting the virus, in some cases, fortunately, the immune system successfully manages the virus, while others who have recurrent hepatitis become chronicas adult patients aged 20-40 years may result to cirrhosis and liver cancer
Hepatitis B treatment
Treatment can be divided into two types: acute and chronic. Once the patient has been diagnosed with acute hepatitis B, which can be treated by itself,your doctor will recommend a course of action, such as getting enough rest. Eating foods that are high in nutrition and drink a lot of water because the body is fighting to get rid of this virus. If diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B Patients need treatment to reduce their risk of developing severe liver disease and prevent it from spreading the infection to others, the treatment depends on the suitability of the patient. Using antiviral therapy drug interferon or liver transplantation, etc
Hepatitis B can be prevented by vaccination
Can be done with preventive vaccination, which should be injected from childhood at birth, in older children and in adults vaccination is possible. But because most of them may have an immune response already. This can be determined from a blood test whether you should or should not receive the vaccine. By injecting only 3 doses (0,1,6 months), immunity can be prevented for life-long infection. Also, we can also prevent and take precautions by ourselves, such as keeping the body healthy. Not get too worried or stressed,practice safe sex. or if you want to get an ear piercing or tattoo choose a reliable and hygienic shop
If infected, what should I do?
If it is acute, the patient has to do is get plenty of rest, take good care of your health and recover faster. But those who are chronically ill the doctor has toexamine more closely to know the progress of the disease and details of infection, this will help the doctor continue planning the appropriate treatment along with the patient
1. Eating right hygienic food and complete in all food groups2. Avoid unnecessary drugs and supplements. Including herbal medications, because it can harm the liver, avoid also steroid containingdrugs a substance that is known to stimulate the increase the volume of the hepatitis B virus and suppress the immune system
3. Abstain from all kinds of alcoholic beverages, exercise regularly
4. Blood should be tested every 3-6 months and ultrasound every 6-12 months
Of course, once hepatitis B virus is detected you are encouraged to see a doctor for treatment, at once, it will help reduce the viral load, inflammation of the liver, fibrosis, and ulcers in the liver. Making the performance of the liver better andreduce the risk of liver failure and liver cancer. Which nowadays hepatitis B virus is not an incurable disease there are already medciations that can help control symptoms and if the physical examination continues normal liver values can be noticed. However, it is advised not to ignore this disease
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Article of Gastrointestinal and Liver Center